Nenad Micov

European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), North Macedonia

Nenad Micov (Ненад Мицов) is a an EATG member from Skopje, Macedonia and an EATG's STEP UP 2018/2018 alumnus. He used to work with the Association for Support of People Living with HIV – STRONGER TOGETHER in Skopje and currently he is working with two community based organisations such as the Association for sexual health and rights EGAL (focused on GBMSM communities) and STAR – The First Sex Workers Collective in the Balkans (focused on male, female and transgender SW), both in Macedonia.

He describes himself as an activist at heart and advocate by calling, mainly focused on improving the human rights and sexual & reproductive wellbeing of marginalised communities. He has recently started getting into evidence-based participatory research and has published various publications.

He is also member (and former Board Member) of Mensa® Macedonia, the high-IQ society.